

Uern«he rit

flTl neeF TeGla cenwereé,


le mur ualeretardivrag tA!

cectral <1fice orifficee large entuge to ettopstarte the TLL las

@ root in «hice "4" netia can work or teal dJevelicimenta .l ol Re sro.

vided ooth at Berweiey eod Sabwetan. C.ace there ell. pe rant Por gpeca
in eich three sr four of tae TOTTI x uli eork in Fonci ats salle e.alting

whe cei. tc the Porward rea, 4 26 @uygi stat chat cuca erate cme irtvidar
the Hawailar Viliage, if thet turma cat t be the place were coat cf

the combine: getupe will be staying.


The apace need nit. Me Lace and

Could dea, if neceazery, & sitting roo. sonnetted tro owe cf the sleering
roomr shupied by COTI peraonnel. Preferstie, however, enult be a
roan, such ae 4 hcte] sample roar, sere s couple 2% tstleas »uld be
set uy for the JOTI te work in comnmection «1th logqetrts. Cer sdwssen

(particwarly the Senolulu ;ress which vill be scvemta the “Mnoretra-

tion Progran Group £2 a iocal story).

Tsis space stolid be snuipred

with « couple 9° telephones to faciiitete reaching 2... rentere Sf the party with nesessary nessages regarding ‘he arvar!? nert nwee @tc.
To assist in thie work we would like tc have a typiet. Ferbsere Wines

and Narver ocuid lend us one or hire ome for as fcr the pericd. Ato
least one typevriter would be needed, 2¢ vell.




rt f r files ete.

every other day, that might
coneenews rrne


You mentionedthe other aay that a

to Honolulu on a regular basie only

utilized for, transport of films, redio.


Such materials arising from the news redia group oe

service oe pluaned at
ems that daily
s much as possibleany pri win


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