Techniques Used to Measure Gamma-Ray Exposure Rates
Because the external dose is

at about 2500 locations on a 30-m

primarily due to gamma-emitting

rectangular grid over

radionuclides, with only minor

face of Bikini Island,

contributions from alpha and beta

200 locations on a 120-m grid on

emitters, we had to obtain the best

Eneu Island.

possible description of the geo-

the detectors was energy-dependent

graphical variability of the

and they were calibrated with a point

‘gamma-ray exposure rates on Bikini


and Eneu Islands.

respond to the gamma flux on the

Any technique

the entire surand at about

Since the response of

they were


to over-

for measuring gamma exposure rates

atoll because the flux is depth dis-

has its own set of Limitations

tributed and has a higher scatter


component — and,

nonlinear energy response,

portability of equipment,


a lower

energy — than the point source.



extent of geographical coverage).

detectors could be carried easily,

We therefore used four different

which allowed us to make measurements

techniques to obtain the detailed

at many locations on a uniform grid

geographical coverage and accuracy

of the islands.

we desired: portable, hand-held Nal

insensitive to cosmic radiation.

scintillation detectors,

a commercially

They are virtually

The response of the detector


was compared with that of the pres-

two types of thermoluminescent dosime-

surized ion chamber over the entire

ters (TLD's).

range of observed exposure rates.

available pressurized ion chamber,

The portable scintillation

The ion chamber consists of a

detectors consisted of a 2.5-cm-diam

stainless steel sphere filled with

x 3.8-cm-long Nal crystal with rate

high-pressure ultra-pure argon.

meter readout.

The current produced by the radiation-

The detectors were

calibrated in microroentgens per

induced ionization within the

hour (UR/h) against a 1376g point

chamber is measured by a sensitive

source on the primary calibration

electrometer with digital readout.

range of the National Environmental

The detector was calibrated by the

Research Center, Las Vegas, Nevada.

manufacturer and verified by several

Calibration was repeated on selected

ERDA laboratories.

instruments following the survey.

relatively flat energy response

The detectors measured the exposure rates at 1] m above the ground

It exhibits a

over the gamma~ray energies of
interest in a typica:t


Select target paragraph3