


e.g., loss of encapsulated instrument calibration sources to which
attention may be given.

Consider type of instructions/orientation to be given to returning
persons on steps to be taken in event of discovery of possibly
hazardous material,

this in the form of instructions from DOD to DOI

(TTPI) for translation and distribution.

Consider the use of photo-

graphs, especially for those items not well known to returning people
or difficult to describe.

It may be appropriate to note that there is

possibility of finding material underwater in coral sand on lagoon
side of islands.
Provide specific instructions with respect to craters, including
any appropriate to Mike crater, as to hazards.

Develop permanent markers for hazardous spots or areas.
6 - Environmental Impacts

(4) Effects on Life Systems
Undoubtedly the most significant effects of the residual radioactivity on life systems will be the potential consequences to
health of humans who will live on the atoll.

(See 6.(6) - DOS)

Although it is a sociological topic, some reference should be
made to effects of constraints on land use, e.g., denial of
habitation on specific islands.
Add any information on experience with other Marshallese people
concerning their attitude toward and respect of constraints on
land use, including visits and permanent residence.

In this con-

text note in Tobin report, "The Enewetak People," the interest of
these people in local, interisland travel.

Select target paragraph3