Bair Committee Recommendation

Areas of contamination exceeding the 400 pCi/g level must be excised.
Indefinite quarantine indicates that further cleanup is not warranted.

Besed on such considerations the following guidance is recommended.

Highest priorities - Islands of size to be potential residential
These encompass islands of size greater than 50 acres, specifi-

callv Exjebi, Aonon/Sijire, and Lujor.

Resources permitting, these

islends should be cleened to less than 40 pCi/g Pu 239/240 levels.
(Conciticn C, OPLAN 6090-77)

Secondary priorities - Islands of planned intensive agricultural
These are islenis identified in the Master Plan.
In addition to
the islends in highest priority, they include Alembel, Lojwa, and Aej.

Resources permitting, these islands should be cleaned to less than

100 pCi/g Pu 239/240 levels.

(Condition B, OPLAN 600-77)

Tertiary pricrity - Islands of planned food gathering uSe but
whose size provides 2 potential for agricultural use.
These are islands
generally of 20 to 59 acres in size.
While cleanup of levels below 400

pCi/g Pu 239/240 is not required, if resources permit, these islands

should be cleanec to levels below 100 pCi/g Pu 239/240.

This category

includes the islands of Bokoluo, Bokombako, Louj, Boken and Kidrinen.
(Condition B, OPLAN 600-7)

Lowest priority - Islands whose planned use is food gathering

and whose size does not provide good potential for residence or agriculture. These are generally islands of less than 20 acres in size. Cleanup
of contamination levels below 400 pCi/g Pu 239/240 is not warranted. This
priority also applies to the island of Runit insofar as cleanup of areas

contaminated to less than 400 pCi/g.


Recommendations by CJTG for case-by-case cleanup should be based on

the etteched islenc cherts and review of available resources.

1 Encl



Recommended Case~byCase Criteria

Ord C
Special Assistant

Select target paragraph3