‘Tee four-year annual nedical suryey of the people ox anngesnp


Ateil, Maganell Tnlands, who were exposed te radiosctive failout in March,

1984 wescompletedin March, 1958. Aci 16 men medical tenn was transported
to Rengelap by Navy L3T for the examinatiens.

_ Gomplete biotory end physical exenisations, including growth and

developeent etudies iu the childrens, hematological exsainations, ova and
parasite survey, and whole body gaene syecteuacopy fox body buram of ino- - o - '
topes ware earsied out.

Tos data has not yet been thoroughly enalyzed, and

only a few brief prelininery statesents can be nade at this tine in regard |

to the lates? exexinations,


7 ::


The people were found to be generally in good beaith and their |

eateltion'setlafactoty. A fewresidual changed ware ati33 presentia the

chin of sonepeople 4% the forsereitesof seresevere beta byrne, sot -


thesechanged, werenec-oyeptonatin and cliseaiterionsonly.ad nilesteeper. oe
oo F



orarrings.sond+ plgnent stenentione.Me cvtainen3ofwe p a iguant 6x

hnfna tnd 0cettofi
tn We wairrntetee Marshahiens poopie weedCoteenpsrloens


erehaveBown hresdanthe inthe {rrasieted group. In ne case.

ecaldthe ésnse of death be.associated with restetion effects. Tats inci<
denen ofdeath irronre tobe stout the usne anin unexpenidMrsballoee



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