

Mr. George Allen said that he had talked to the Magistrate at

Kili via shortwave radio on Monday, September 15, and received
the impression that only two of the elders on the Council now
are insistent about going back within the next several months.
He did not know, however, how many family members would be
involved with these two leaders. He.thought that there might
be a somewhat less pressing problem about early return than had peen indicated at the Kili meeting. He noted, though, that the
shortwave radio contact was, at best, tentative and felt that
the only way to get a reliable reading is to go back to Kili

Island for additional meetings.

It was his belief that regardless of the current restrictions

and future patterns of life in Bikini, some 150 younger people
might wish to remain on Kili Island and perhaps another group

might wish to live on Jaluit Island.
Ex Gratia Payment

Mr. Allen commented on matters with respect to the Bikini Ex
Gratia payment. He thinks it essential that the rightful clain-

ants be identified.

A formula for distribution should be determined

now and this should come from the Bikini Council. He commented that
numbers may be inflated by the desire to participate in Ex Gratia
payment and stated that he was planning to attempt to identify

"rightful families" by district-wide census.

Mr. Gilmore (Holmes and Narver), referred to the census done in

1974 for the Master Plan which identified 426 people on Kili and

Bikini Islands, with another 362 individuals who claimed Bikini
affiliation scattered elsewhere in the Marshalls. This gives a

Planning figure of 784. —


- Unawareness of People of Bikini of Earlier AEC Reports
Mr. Allen stated that MLSC (Marshalls) is translating the 1967

AEC report on Bikini Atoll as well ds. a summary on Rongelap in

order that the people of Bikini can have access to first-hand


He felt that more original information should be

Mr. Zeder closed the meeting by assuring the principal
Participants that DOI would do everything it could to cooperate with
Other agencies involved and would try to resolve pressing matters

that now face the Bikini program.

Select target paragraph3