-~4‘ (a)


Funding required; time frame required; time of start
of survey if funds were available.


Mr. Deal, ERDA, indicated that an overall survey,
that is of all the testing areas, presumably,

exclusive of Enewetak Atoll which has been aerially
surveyed, would involve:


$2-1/2 to $3 million (ERDA can fund
approximately one-half.)



60 days in Pacific -- 4-8 months for
starting time: ERDA ready to start at once but
requires necessary logistic



Capt. J. M. Elster, OSD/ISA/TTPI pointed out that DOD

does not have any funds programmed for logistic support.
In reply to a question from Mr. Allen, he stated that

DOD has yet to make a decision on whether it would seek
funds for such a project.
He pointed outthat DODwas not asked about logistic
support until last spring. DOD is prepared to provide
support at this time on a reimbursable basis.


Mr. Allen, MLSC, then asked if DOD was saying that it
did not wish to accept responsibility for support. If
so, who is going to take responsibility to get money
for the support phase of the proposed survey?


Capt. Elster referred to the original Executive

arrangement on Bikini, i.e.,


Radiological Survey - AEC
Cleanup - DOD
Rehabilitation and Resettlement - DOL

DOD had accomplished its part of the cleanup.


question of which agency should support the logistic

requirements might have to be made by OMB.

Mr. Deal noted .that ERDA has discussed the matter with


Mr. Allen commented that he had read the latest "round

robin" of letters between Department of the Interior
and Departmentof Defense on the matter, but no
resolution appeared from this correspondence.

Select target paragraph3