In reply refer tor



Files AlL
Serial: 097


Washington 25, L.C.

4 June 1947

Scientific hesurvey of Bikini

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the processes involved in accumulation and transfer of these
materials by orgenisms it will be essential to have the ser~
vices of savers] competent radio chemists on the expedition.
The radiochemical investigations snoula be undertaken under
the leadership of scientists competent to deal both with the
chemistry of radioective fission products and with problems
of plent nutrition end soil chemistry. Discussions with
leaders in these various fields heve show tact such a combination of acientific abilities is very rare. From these
discussions it is evident that the outstanding specialists

in problems ot this type are Drs. RK. L. Overstreet and Louis

Jacobson of the College of Agriculiyre of the University of


Dr. Overstreet participated in lust sumzer's

tests at Bikini and contributed results of major importance.
Accordingtly, the Secretary of the Navy has rejuested Presldent Sproul of the University of Galirormmia to authorize
Drs. Overstreet and Jacobson to take oart in the expedition.

It would be very helpful if the chairman of the Atomic

Energy Commission would endorse this reyuest from the Sec—
retary of the Navy; a proposed druft of a letter for Mr.
Lilienthel's signature is enclosed.


IyvDrs. Overstreet and Jacobson can be made

available by the University of California it is belleved
that financial arrengements for thelr services and procurenent of necessary eguipment could be most expeditiously
hendled thru the Atomic Energy Commission contract with the
Radiation Laboratory of the University of California.

Estimates of the magnitude of the problems
involved indicate that approximately four radio chemists

in addition to Professors Overstreet end Jacobson will be
required at Bikini. The cooperation of the Commission is
requested in procuring the services of these scientists |
and ecuipment for their use from laboratcries under its
cognizance. If this reyuest is agreeuble to the Commission
it is proposed that detailed made directly
between representatives of the Commission end the Joint

Crossroads Committee Project Officer, Cuptain C. L. Engleman,

USN, or his representatives.

Captuin inglemen's office is

in Room 13-2038 of the Navy Department; his telephone extension
is 3597.

/s/ W. S. PARSONS.

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