In reply refer to:





Serial: 097

Washington -



4 June 1947

Scientific Resurvey of & u.dmi

Determinations of the concentration and kind
of radioxctive materials in the animals und plants of the

atoll and the effects of this radiocctivity on the organ-



Physiological, geological «nd oceanographic


Detailed observations of certain sunken ships

studies of organisms and reef building processes in order
to gain basic information for better understanding of the
possible biological effacts of Operution Crossroads.

including the Saratoga, Nagato, Pilotiisn end Apogon, which
could not be edeqyuately examined during August 1946 because

of difficult diving conditions resulting from high levels
of radioactivity in the bottom muds ana from other causes.
Attempts will dso be made to retrieve three preesure mess~
uring instruments end one time recording lonizetion chamber
from the Nagato. Detailed analysis lias shown thct records
from these instruments are highly important to an adequate
understanding of shock pressure phenomena end radioactivity
concentrations resulting from test Baker.

In connection with the work outlined under sub-—peregraph c.
above, the U. S. Geological Survey, the Fish and Wild Life

Service of the Department of the Interior, tne Smithsonian
Institution of Oceanography, have all indicated
informally « desire to take part in toe expedition.

The cooperation of the atomic Energy Commisa~
don is requested in planning and conducting tnis resurvey.

In particuler it is considered essential that Dr. L. R.

Donaldson end his associates of the University of Washington, who are carrying out radioblological studics of fish
and other organisms for the Commission, should participate
in the expedition. These scientists took part in the work
at Bikini during the sumer of 1946; preliminary discussions
with Dr. Donaldson indicate that they desire to underteke
additional observations this summer in order to study possible long term effects of the radioactive materiuls released in the underwater burst on the organisms of the atoll.
In order to determine the distribution of different fission products and other radioactive materials and



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