(Basic Memo fm W.S.Paraons, dtd 6/4/47, to Chairman, AEC, Via MLC)
Subject: Scientific Resurvey of Bikini. Ref: JCC/181, File All, Ser: 097


ist Ind.

Military Lisison Committee to the Atomic Energy Commission,
P. O. Box 1814, Washington, D. C.


5 June 1947

The Chdrman, Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D. C.



2. The Military Liaison Committee has been informed that the
procurement of radio chemists is ea problem of the greatest urgency.
It is understood that the Joint Crossroads Committee has informally
approached certain individuals at the Argonne Laboratory who have
expressed a desire to accompany this expedition as radio chemists.

The Chairman, Crossraods Committee, is extremely desirous that the
Commission authorize their participation as quickly as possible in

order that they may commence immediately to assemble and ship the
necessary equipment.


If the proposal in paragraph 7 of the basic letter is

agreeable to the Atomic Energy Commission, it ia recommended that

the Chairman, Joint Crossroads Committee, be authorized to deal
directly with the Argonne Laboratory in making final arrangements.





For the Committees

/8/ F. le ASHNORTH
F, L. Ashworth,
Commander, USN,

Executive Secretary

Select target paragraph3