
toate MAMEd,


December 21, 1959,


Also, I wass requested‘to obtainan estimate from EG& for them to
furnish photographic coverage of the burst to an accuracy of plus

or minus 600 ft and to previde necessary signaling to activate

cameras either via hardwire or radio signal. The photographic
coverage is to be 35 mm to 70 mm and from 10 to 48 frames per second.

This last estimate to cover support of one shot sometime in February
and to include necessary back-up. I will try to get this information

to Colonel Martinby December 23.

I requested population to be supported and learned that about 12 USAF
working types plus EG&G is all that we could expect. This was later

modified in the meeting to allow for some VIP observers and a possibility of 2 helicopters with crews.

CC: Rey C. Emens, Chief, EBO

Hq AFSWC, KAFB, Attn: Lt Col Bill Martin

Select target paragraph3