Site Elmer rose to 25-30 mr./hr.

The Fallout Prediction Unit was not able

to establish definitely the origin of this material, but felt that there was
some reason to think that it had come from Shot Fir.

After arrival of the

Koa samples at LASL, a dispatch was received in the field indicating that
the cloud, and possibly the fallout samples, were heavily contaminated with
Fir debris.

The nature of the evidence was not knownat the time, but it

was conjectured that sizable amounts of


which was

produced in large quantities in the Fir detonation, had been found in the Koa

Examination of the wind structures existing during the period

of the Fir and Koa detonations indicated a possibility of some contamina tion of Koa fallout by Fir debris, but no mechanism was apparent that

could lead to heavy contamination,

When the radiochemical data became available it was found that all
the Koa cloud samples contained some material from Fir, but not enough

to appreciably alter the significance of the results (see Chapter 3).
223.3 Walnut Event.

It was planned to project a total of 10 rockets into

the cloud, 4 each from Sites Mary and Sally and 2 from Site Wilma,


launchers on Mary were set for automatic positioning by blue-box signal,
whereas on Sally and Wilma the quadrant elevations and azimuths were preset.

After the shot the firing circuits to Sally and Wilma were intact, but

the line to Mary was open,

A firing signal was sent at H 4 10 minutes and

Select target paragraph3