13-14 hours had to be cancelled due to rain and atmospheric turbulence.
The first toisr samples were collected in about 1/2 hour each and the last

sample required 2-1/2 hours.

The wing tank samplers functioned on each

flight, but there were no gas samples on the last three runs due to a failure
of the compressor pumps on the coincident sampling units.

Samples of material falling from the 60,000 foot layer were collected

at an altitude of 1000 feet at 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 hours after shot time by a
WB-50 aircraft.

The fallout was encountered on a bearing of 50-60 degree:

at 28, 59, 88, 109 and 131 miles from ground zero,

A second WB-50

collected one 1000-foot sample at H # 6 hours on a bearing of 20 degrees at
42 miles from ground zero,
45,000 feet.

It is thought that this material came from abor

A third WB-50 mission was flown at 0700 the next day to 300

miles on bearing 58 degrees based on an extrapolation of the previous contacts.

From there, the aircraft was directed to 225 miles, bearing 55

degrees, then to 200 miles, bearing 40 degrees, and finally to 400 miles,
60 degrees, but no fallout was encountered.
after 6 hours for a weather mission,

Shot Fir,


The aircraft was released

wasfired at Bikini on the day precedin

Koa and the clouds from the two bursts rose to approximately the samehei,
(65,000 feet).

On the day following Koa there was a deposition of fallout in

the Eniwetok area and in the afternoon the gammaradiation background on

Select target paragraph3