In the rocket samplers some breakup of the fallout particles was thought
to be likelyin passing through the shock front in the diffuser throat.

A series

of experiments carried out by NRDL on the shock tube at the University of

California Engineering Experiment Station indicated that coral fallout grains
were not fractured by Mach 2 shock waves (Reference 58).

Impact with the

filter is another possible cause of particle breakup in all the sampling devices, but little or nothing is known aboutthis effect.



It was indicated in section 1.3.3 that samples to

be used for the determination of fallout partition by the UCRL method should
be collected from the light and variable layer, if well defined, or from higher locations in the cloud.

The cloud heights and wind structure in the upper

atmosphere are therefore important characteristics to consider in devising
operational plans.

It is known from previous work that the clouds rise toa

maximum altitude in the first few minutes and then settle back to a 'stabiliz-

ed" level.

Based on height-yield curves derived from photographic data on

earlier shots (Reference 21), it was estimated that the stabilized altitudes


would be around 72,000 feet for Koa PSY""™
(Reference 59).

and 99, 000 feet for Oak

The altitudes observed by project aircraft were considerably

lower (Reference 60).

A radar record for shot Koa indicated that the cloud

rose to 72,000 feet at 5 minutes and then settled rapidly (Reference 61).
The light and variable layer existed for all the shots, being possibly:



Select target paragraph3