Dr. John N. wolfe



April 19,

Congressional Testimony:


The Director and the

Associate Director of the Laboratory were called
by congressional committees to present statements
which required extensive sorting and assembling
of scientific data.
The Director appeared before
the Senate Interstate and Foreign Commerce Com-

mittee in hearings on the Marine Sciences and
Research Act of 1961,

The Associate Director

appeared before the Subcommittee on Research,
Development, and Radiation of the Joint Committees
On Atomic Energy.

international Consultaion:

The Director was

named a member of the International Commisaion
on Radiation Protection, serving with Committee

on the handling of radioactive isotopes and

disposal of radioactive wastes.
he attended meetings abroad.

In this capacity,

HydraProgxyam: At the request of the Commission
the Laboratory assigned a key staff member to
conduct biological samplings and analyses in an
underwater experiment involving the use of radio-

isotopes conducted near San Clemente Island by the

Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory.

OperationDomin c:

The Laboratory was asked by

the Coamisaion to conduct extensive sampling of
food items during the 1962 test program at Christmas
Island, and for this the Laboratory virtually had
to drop all other programs. The scientific staff
was increased by the addition of a number of persons
brought from other laboratories and during the
summer continuous sampling operations were con-

ducted at Christmas Island, Johnston Island, and at

various off-site islands in the South Central Pacific.

inree ocean cruises were made by Laboratory personnel
aboard the 0. &. Fish & Wildlife service vessel, the
When a special situation occurred at Johnston Island,

the Laboratory was

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