Dr. John NW, Wolfe,




April 19,


To provide a broad view

of the degree of peesible contamination of Pacific
tuna (because the question still worried the
Japanese), the Laboratory made arrangements with
a member of a Japanese laboratory to ship to
Seattle samples of tuna brought to Japan by
Japanese fishing
vessels working in various

parts of the Pacific area.

This arrangement

provided an international concurrent approach to

the analysis of tuna, but it was a program apart
from the Laboratory's normal radiobiological

Because of its experience in aquatic
studies, the Laboratory was represented in deliberations of the Committee on Oceanography of the NAS-NRC
Subcommittee to consider the problem of low-level
radioactive wastes in the Pacific off the North
American coast.

Biological Efects:

The Laboratory was

represented by the Director in the National Academy

of Sciences study of the biological effects of radiation, the Director of the Laboratory sitting with
the Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation on
Oceanography and Fisheries.


At the request of

the National Science Foundation and the Commission,
the Laboratory organized in 1959 summer and in-service
institutes in radiation biology fer college and high
school teachers.

The development of these institutes,


The Laboratory was called into con-

although a welcome assignment, reguired diversion of
staff time to administrative and instructional duties
for which the Laboratory had to make special prepara~
tion and which have been continued in subsequent years
at some cost in diffusion of stafi effort,


sultation in 1958 when Froject Chariot was being set
up under the Plowshare Program.
sy 1959, the Chariot

organized as a policy and advisory grouc,

had become in fact an operating committee in which the
Laboratory representative occupied a key position.


Laboratory involvement in this program continued until
the nuhiteation of final reports in 1963.

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