Memo to File


We told him the survey was designed to provide data that will permit dose
estimates for future populations and that one can make risk estimates if
the dose is known.
I noted we did not expect a documented result until
the middle of CY 1979. We were questioned about the current costs and our
best guess about future costs.
I noted that the Department was currently
spending about $3M in the Pacific now, and that the best estimate we could

make was $2 to $5M per year for the foreseeable future.

This is for the

research program, the monitoring program, and the associated logistics.
We did not comment on the suggestion about including the long-term followup
program in the status negotiations.

Assista@ht Director
for Field Operations
Division of Operational
and Environmental Safety

al Hollister, Dir., OES
./W. Weyzen, BER


Select target paragraph3