
forward of that position we would need another table set up to draw blood and

make slides prior to moving the patients to x-ray (please see diagram),


all of these positions were on the exposed well deck, I inquired about the
canvas cover for this entire area - that we had all discussed in San Diego

prior to the initial negotiations,

I was assured by C.0. that this was “no

sweat” "we'll rig them when we get to the islands",
I then inquired about the barges,

I accepted his assurance,

I was informed that C.0. and H.B. knew

that the barges were on Kwajalein - but they hadn't looked for them,

At this

time I was informed that if I wanted to "insist" on using the barges that

there would be "at least a two week delay",

I asked them what the expected

sailing date was - without the barges - I was informed that the earliest cate
would be February 2nd - nine days late,

Since our physician consultants were

on theirway ~ scheduled to arrive on Kwajalein on January 3ist, I informed
Lnem Lnat we coulan’t expect to nola the team lor tweive days ana tnat we
should proceed on the 2nd,

I also informed H.B. that I was very disappointed

that the barging concept had failed to materialize,

JI reminded him that when

Wayne Munk, H.B., and I were in San Diego during the initial review of the
ship, that I felt the ship was “marginal” but that the barging concept swung
the balance in favor of U.S. Oceanography,

I asked H.B. who had made the do~

cision not to do the requised modificetions in Honolulu te support the barges,
H.B, said "that was my decision - if you don’t like it, I an responsible",


indicated to him that I was aware that the ship had been in port, in Honolulu,
for about twenty-four days before leaving for Kwajalein,
of tine, I passed through Honolulu - on my way to Majure,

During this period
In fact, I met

with H.3, and Bill Stanley in the LOE office for a meeting - ard was never
informed of this very important change in plans,

While in port, among the

“critical items" installed were a very large automatic ice machine and a gas

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