begun or before completion, an authority responsible for enforcement
of the quarantine should be identified and should be in residence
in the atoll when people return.
The distribution of plutonius coutamination on YVONNE is sufficiently
complex that specific recommendations for cleanup cannot be presented.

It is expected that the true picture of this contamination will unfold
as the decontamination effort proceeds.

Presented are sone of the

requirements and objectives that vill establish a backsround from which
plans can be made for recovery of plutonium on YVONNE,

Decontamination of YVONNE is seen as an iterative process, naneiy,
removal of soil, monitoring of radioactivity levels, and renoval
of more soil.

This amounts

leveis and reduction of


to a search

for the hisher plutonium

Lnese to the lowest praciticabie veiue.

A tean of experts should be assembled who can make and interpret
field radiation and radioactivity measurements, advise on cleanzp
actions, and provide necessary health physics support ineludinr

protection of workers, decontzinination of workers anid equipment,
and packaging and handling of collected plutoniim.

The objectives of the cleanup are two:

“Recovery. of the pieces of plutoniumchat have been observed.
on or ncer the island surface.


Some contain millicgran

quantities of plutonium metal and are easily detected with

{field survey instruments such as the FIDLER.
Recovery of plutonium contaminated soil.

To a f


approximation, the location of the zones of hicher Pu cun-

centrations are shown in the survey profiltsamples.

se ets





Select target paragraph3