This option does not specify action against radioactivity in soil of the
islands such as ALICE, BELLE, and CLARA, nor does it recormend that residences

be built on JANIT.

By implication, therefore, rescttlement of JANET would have

to wait for radioactive decay and weathering processes to reduce contaminaticn
levels to acceptable values on these islands.

Since the predominant isotopes,

1376, and 705, each have half-lives of thirty years, the waiting period could
be slightly more than one generation for each factor of two reduction in dose.
On the other hand the reduction could proceed at a somewhat faster rate. Or
JANET, reducing the. maximum annual child's bone/dose from 0.72 rem/yr (Table
4, Case D-I) to the guide level of 0.25 ren/yr through natural decay of the

Sx would theoretically require a wait of/50 years considering only radiolozicz


It is not expected that such a reduction will actually take thet lone.

Option IV

All of Option III a, c, d, e, and f£, plus:


Return to JANET and build residences and community center in locations
shown on the Master Plan.


Remove a minimum of 30 cm of soil in ail areas where pandanus and
breadfruit are to be grown on JANET; import clean soil in which to
establish these plants; or import pandanus and breadfruit from the
southern islands.

If these actions proved to be as effective as the theoretical predictions,

this would permit return of the Enjebi pecple to their island.

It should be

emphasized, however, that even with the above actions, predicted doses are

near or slightly above the criteria for annual exposures and also above the
30 year criteria.

The levels are expected to be well above those of Option III


Select target paragraph3