James L.



equivalent to the standard of 0.5 Rem/yr.
Thus, the standard for
annual whole body exposure of individuals in the population is being
exceeded for these persons from internal 137cesium alone.
We know that people are eating certain foods grown on Bikini Island
that were to be excluded from their diet and that ERDA's recommended
restrictions of 1975 are not being implemented.
The data we now have
in hand raises serious questions on whether these past recommendations
and restrictions for Bikini resettlement are adequate to limit exposures
to acceptable levels.
A strong case can be made to recommend against
any return to Bikini Island for the present.
Return to Eneu can be
recommended provided it is acceptable for exposures at or near current
standards to be received.
We have been asked to provide the new DOI Director of Territorial
Affairs, Mrs. Van Cleve, a briefing on our Pacific activities on or
about June 2.
During that time, the new High Commissioner and other
officials of the Trust Territory will be in Washington and New York
for the annual meeting of the U.N. Committec on Trust Territories.
Also, Gail Bradshaw has asked to be brought up to date on Pacific
We propose to set up a briefing for you and Public Affairs
during the week of May 23, 1977.

Hal Hollister, Acting Director
Division of Operational and
Environmental Safety

W. W.


Jr., M.D.

Deputy Director

Division of Biomedical and
Environmental Research



Select target paragraph3