The fifth visit by the Padiation Safety Audit and Inspection Team
(RSAIT) was accomplished from 1-3 August 197S.

was reduced from ten to seven.
three major portions:

The size of the team

The arsas of interest were divided into

training and indoctrination, o~erati.onalsafzty,

and records keeping.

The mobilization phase has been conpleted and the operational cleanup
phase is now at full effort.

Previous Audit and Ins~ection activities

were diviclsdizto S5X or severegeneral areas.

Planned during this visik

was to 100-kat the o.~ration as a whole entity and observe and comment
on those aspects o? e~vtrcmmentalt radiological and occupational safety
as they a??ly to sII skases of the operation. ~~ticular emphasis was
paid to t?= cSain of events from debris or earth removal through dmping~
stock?ili>g or crater containment.

Considerable activiey has taken place over the last four months in
the areas of safety prqra.ms.

The current Commander, Joint Task Group

(JTG) and the e~e.mentcommanders are safety conscious.

No significant

changes have occured in the environmental protection program.
and training in this area still needs improvement.


Radiological and

occupational hazards were reviewed during the debris and ground .removal


Radiation hazards appeared to be minimal as previously

noted on all ,ourRSAIT visits.

Resuspension does not even appear to be

significant at the area of maximum dirt agitation and potential for



Select target paragraph3