

T~~ bulk haul operation has been monitored during all phases

as follows:

Initial soil removal


Loading on both the KM-8


Transport to Runit


Removal and transport to the shaker operation


Operation of the batch plant


Final c~ater deposition

and LCU

.. .

We have been impressed with the smoothness of the operation and
with botlhthe engimering.and
entire procedure.

radiation pro$~ction aspects of the

The bllI.k
haul o~eration is well administered and

we have observed no problens with it.

However, we recommend that

tilesoil be cover=d ~’~~ingtransport and that personnel not be
required to wsar positi*.%pressure half face or fuI.1face respiratory
protection except d~ring loading and unloading operations or when
an air saiigleis note.5to be positive.

If the air sample count is

positive, or a haz=wd is perceived to exist by the FRST member
present, then ev~ry~ne s>cmld acquire respiratory protection immediately.
our recommnd~tio~

not to require respiratory protection during

the actual hauling operation is based on analyses of 89 air samples
collected between 26 ;flarch
and 28 July 1978.

The.results of these

analyses allow us to conclude that there has not been a radiological
inhalation hazard due to 239Pu during this period.

T-he average air

concentration determined from these samples is 6.9 x 10-15 Ci/cc,
whereas the maximum permissible concentration (l-LPC)
Eor insoluble


Select target paragraph3