
are now down to levels of 50 pCi/gm for 239PU and there is absolutely
no health”physics basis for requiring surgical mas’<s. !Jeagree that “-


respiratory protection should be provided when a soil moving operation
is staxted, but the requirement for all personnel to wear masks is
. -..
Zzdition, t>e’”.?<~–ir;z-e;g”’?or
stand~r~mas!cs SkO’J-ld
“exti-%ive.- “Ifi-


be at the discretion of the FRST member present based on an evaluation
. .



of air sample measurements and the condition of the soil. However,
as long as this command decision remains in effect, all personnel
, .<..:
should wear mas-ks. Several”engineers were observed to don masks
.. .
as the inspection tea.cc
approached and individuals in the soil moving
.-- .
----operation w=ireseen to wear surgical masks instead of full face
respfrators -asrequ~-ed. pe~~~~nel in’the field mUS~


In general,.,the FRST operation ‘is excellent.

The morale

of individual members seems high and their attitude toward their
jobs is excellent.

The probable cause of this is the stabilization

of missions which has occurred since the operation has gone into
full swing.

In genexal, FRST personnel are assigned to a job on

a continutig basis now and have a chance to learn the peculiarities

individual mission and to build a rapport with the personnel

they are supporting.

The availability of SOPS, EAIs and specific

instructions for the job being done at the job site is a vastimprovement over what has been obsened

in the past.

The general

and specific job knowledge of FP!T members in the field is excellent.



Select target paragraph3