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6ne full year has passed since the first RSAIT visit.

.. ..Mobilization


has been completed and all aspects of the cleanup operation are in
of appropriate
nater%als ad crater.
“swing.” Lagoon
. . ..
- .-:-.-...
.. .----- ..._.
entombrnentof radiological contaminated materials are”ongoing procedures..-.

A cohesiveness to the operation is now apparent.

There has been a change of command in the JTG and multiple changes
These new faces appear to have
brought a high degree of enthusiasm and dei!icatLonwith them tkt.


of command in the Sup.wrtive elements.

manifests itself at ‘~l-e
lowest echelons.

A “can-do” attitude pen-:des

this opc~ation.

The JTG is well aware of the present concern by the Con~~ss
public at la.qe of +&


safety and welfare of personnel associated

with this operation and are cognizant of the special concern about
radiation hazards.

The RSAIT visits and recommendations have been

well received and executed to the fullest extent possible.
SOPS, documentation and



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