The whole body retention at any time t-t of the fraction of initial radioactivity
inputed at time T is

Eye Ati) Cet)

Thus, the instantaneous activity at time t-T that remains following input during
dt is

AE, Pee” (KEFAIT Boxe A*Ki) (t-T) 4.


It follows that the instantaneous activity at time t-t that remains following

input during T is

“(Ket )T
~(A 4K 3) (t-T)
J ° AF, 1 P%e
The solution of the integral yields a general expression that depends on

the user defining t.

For example, if t is the fixed uptake interval, T, plus an

additional fixed post uptake interval, @, then the body burden at T + 9 is
given by

AP°£ Lixg Ce

(A #K) 6

RK, 7K
As previously stated, Eq. (2) applied at Rongelap and Utirik, it was
for the situation that variable time t was the uptake interval.


persons who returned to the atolls in June 1954 and June 1957 did so with an initial body burden, q°.

The behavior of this contribution to body burden,

q, was embodied in the q®? term of Eq. (2).

A similar model was used to relate

Select target paragraph3