Health Physics Society Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, June 16-20, 1968

External Radiation Survey of Bikini Atoll - May 2967



AUTHOR(S): Harold L. Beck and Burton G. Bennett, United States Atomic Energy Commission, Health



and Safety Laboratory (HASL), aiidTommy F. McCraw, United States Atomic mergy

Commission, Division of Operational Safety, Washington, D. C.

ABSTRACT (double-spaced): Abstracts exceeding 200 words will NOT be considered.
An intensive radiological survey of the islands of Bikini Atoll was

conducted in late April and early May of 1967, nine years after cessation
of extensive testing of nuclear devices in the area.

The survey included

general observations of the prevailing environmental conditions and a
detailed investigation of external environmental radiation levels.


posure rates due primarily to penetrating gamma radiation were measured,
and the principal radioisotopes contributing to the total exposure rate on
each of the major islands of the atoll were determined.
Instrumentation utilized included a field gamma spectrometric system,
a high pressure ionization chamber, scintillation and G.M. survey meters,
and thermoluminescent dosimeters.

A large number of soil samples were

taken for laboratory NaI(T1) and Ge(Li) gamma spectral analysis.
Total exposure rates were found to vary considerably from site to site
and island to island.

Levels measured over soil ranged from less then

10 wR/hr to over 500 uR/hr with the highest levels usually found in the more
thickly vegetated areas.







Major contributors to the radiation fields usually

Sb, and


Rh, although, a large number of other

isotopes were also detected.

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E.G. Struxness, HealthPhysics Division,

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge,

Tennessee 37830
DEADLINE: February 1, 1968


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