(f) All livestock appeared to be in good condition.

It is

believed that sufficient wator will be available wthough ~ shortage of
food is expected to develop in the near future,
(g) Water ond soil samples wero taken as directed by Task
Group 7,1 personnel and intensity levels were taken,

(2) The islends listed in sub-p2ragraph (3) through (15) sre

all uninhebitated except for parties of natives thet go from Rongolap to
make copra, collect sex birds end fish. There was no native property
found, Intensity levels were trken by Task Group 7.1 personnel,


Eniren Island,


irvar Island.


Busch Island.


Eninlo Island,


Eniesetok Island.


Anidjet Island.


Knbelle Island,

(10) Zriirippu Island.
(11) Lukuen Island,
(12) Gejen Islrend.
(13) Lomumilel Islond,

(14) Aerik Island.
(15) Ween Island,

Utirik Atoll; 9 Mirch 1954


Itirik Island:

(n) Three canoes were beached above high

water mark,

Select target paragraph3