While this was going on the hadsafe Officer and his team were making

their survey with radiac instruments AN/PDR-27E.

The first readings taken

were on the eeaward side of the island where intensities of 110 mr (with

and without beta shield) were found. Readings of 120-130 mr (with and without shield) were indicated along the foot path connecting the seaward side

of the island to the village on the lagoon side.

Upon arrival at the village,

several natives were monitored with the following readings common to all; over

all body 100 mr (with and without shield), hands 100 mr (with and without
shield), gonads 105 mr with shield and 110 mr without shield, feet 115 mr

with shield and 120 mr without shield.

Since the readings in the air over

the entire middle section of the island was 100 mr, it is believed that the

100 mr readings stated in this report were due to background intensity effects.

Other items monitored in the village and their intensities were; thatched
roofs 125 mr with shield, 130 mr without shield, 4 water samples from wells

100 mr with and without shield, all food with exception of coconuts 100 mr

with arnlwithout shield, coconuts in their various forms of preparation ranged
from 130-150 without shield, fish cleaning table 124 mr with shield, 130 mr
without shield. A short field trip was made into the undergrowth and grass
areas surrounding the village where readings of 160 mr with shield, 170 mr
without shield, were found close to the ground, indicating concentrated and
trapped contaminating particles. The monitor made his way via projecting

coral pieces some 10 yards into the lagoon where the water gave a 50 mr read-

ing with and without the shield. The hospitalman was assigned the task of
collecting water samples and succeeded in obtaining 4 samples of drinking
water from 4 of the most commonly used cistern reservoirs in the village. It
is believed that the very low contamination of the water was due to the
roofs over each reservoir.

Upon arriving at the village the Executive Officer with Trust Territory

official again informed the natives through the interpreter of the necessity
for evacuation.


interpreter was asked not to scare the natives or unduly

rush them. Nevertheless, he had the floor and after a few words, the natives
really moved though it is not believed he shook them up too badly.
It was
carefully explained that we would take along their pigs, chickens, dogs, boats
or anything we could load. But after a conference with the Trust official
in which the degree of contamination, decay and ultimate return of the natives

were discussed, it was decided, on recommendation of the official, to leave
the livestock and boats behind.
The natives agreed to this and after being
reassured that their possessions and animals would be safe until their retum,

began streaming toward the evacuation beach.

Possessions taken along rarely

exceeded two bundles each, and one of which was usually a woven bedding mat.


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Select target paragraph3