Thomas 0. Fleming



The Environmental Impact Statement for the Air Force PACH
program is still in draft; yet the program itself is proceeding
and has already led to what some perceive to be a gross environmental insult. Does the Environmental Quality Act avply in
the Trust Territory? And does similar legislation recently
passed by the Congress of Micronesia apply?


If there are land areas at Eniwetok which are not habitable,

must we lease them, buy them or convey equivalent land areas
to which we hold title?


What would such actions imply for the ultimate settlement
of our Bikini account?


If the Atoll is returned legally to the Trust Territory at
the end of CY 1973, does Micronesian law then apply? And
what does that imply as to taxation, duty free entry, étc.,
during a cleanup operation which could last for 2 years _
or more?



« and so on.

The Federal agencies which will be concerned with future actions
on Enivetok. are at least the following:

Department of State
Department of the Interior
Department of Defense
Office of Economic Opportunity

Department of Commerce (minor)

Department of Treasury (U. S. Coast Guard)

Department of Transportation (perhaps)

Atonic Energy Commission
Department of Justice

LY have listed Justice last because to my knowledge Justice is not
yet in the picture. But I believe it is imperative that the Justice
epartment attorney who will have this responsibility be designated
forthwith in order that he not find himself hopelessly behind when

the time comes for him to represent the United States against -an
aggressive group of avtorneys who are even nowv gathering real
and damaging evidence

Select target paragraph3