
where it was suspected that contamination

may be buried.

those data are probably not representative
Ms. Barnes has agreed to



of undisturbed areas.

the 10 and 20 cm data together and

transmit to me, hopefully in time for our June 5-6 meeting in

These data, although tainted by the possibility of

cross contamination

from the soil surface, may be useful for LLL’s

dose assessment model.

The length of rope used to measure distance from the center of the

IMP reading circle to soil sample locations was found to be 1 meter
too short.

The exact date when this change was made is unknown, but

it was expressed at the meeting that the rope should have been at
the correct length for the following
Vera, Olive and Aoman.


Janet, Lujor, Irene,

The other islands are open to question.

The extent of any bias in the soil-IMP regressions

is unknown.

Since the rope error would place soil samples closer to the center
of the circle than intended, the IMP values may be low relative
to soil 241Am.

A related problem is that the arrangement


location of soil samples within the IMP sight radius was designed
by M. Barnes using incorrect IMP calibration


to me that two of the inner ring soil samples should

have been taken in the outer ring to correspond
what the IMP “sees.”

length is apparently

more closely with

The net effect on the IMP and soil Am comparisons

due to this misplacement


Ms. Barnes

of soil samples and the incorrect rope




have been used on IMP’s at different t roes. Two


had low efficiencies.

These are being corrected

but it

is not known (by John Tipton) whether these detectors were actually
used and if so, whether the IMP data were corrected.

Following lunch, John Tipton, Al Doles and Madaline
summarize or express any areas of particular concern.
quite well.

John Tipton expressed

in the IMP system and felt that, on the whole,
Al Doles

Barnes were asked

it was performing

(Eberline) expressed the need to do IMP field calibration

studies, and more quality control soil samples

(blind spikes) prepared by an

Select target paragraph3