range from 4 to 12 years of age and are not of the best

Their yields are low and individual nut

size is small.

No other subsistence crops----taro, breadfruit, papaya, banana-~-are found on the island.
The strand vegetation consists of Scaevola, Messerschimidia,

some Guettarda where the soil is not fertile.

Within the

interior where Cordia and Pisonia forests have contributed to the
organic matter content, the soil is comparatively fertile.


4sland, which is approximately 2.2 miles long and 0.6 miles at
the widest point,

provides some 400 acres that

can be utilized

for crop development.
The remains of the facilities used during the nuclear test
period include many wooden buildings,

some concrete

bunkers and

two steel towers about 65 to 75 feet in height.
Enyu_ Island

Enyu Island is the second largest island in the atoll.
is situated on the southeast corner of the atoll;


its length 1s

approximately 9,000 feet and1,800 feet at the broadest point.


4,000 foot asphalt runway extends over the southeastern leg of
the island.

Like the other islands, the ubiquitous Scaevola and

Messerschmidia make up the strand vegetation.

Similar types of

vegetation found on Bikini cover the interior of the island.

The few coconuts that are found on the island are not of the
best quality and yields are poor.
found at Bikini Island.

The soil is not unlike that

The estimated 265 acres of land area

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