northwest end of the atoll, were reduced to mere sand dunes,
no other visible damages or profound mutations to the flora and

fauna are evident.
Sea life in the lagoon is plentiful and shows no sign of
adverse effects from the nuclear detonations in the atoll.


absence of man for almost two decades has forced the increase
of reef fish in the lagoon in substantial numbers.
of reef fish,


Many schools

shell fish, and pelagic fish are commonly

seen in the lagoon and along the shore lines.
Bikini Island
Bikini Island, the major population center,

is the largest

among the 36 islands making up the atoll and is situated on the
northeast corner of the atoll.

Most of the island is now

covered with thick stands of wild vegetation that cause some
difficulty to traverse the interior.

The strand vegetation con-

Sists of Scaevola, Messerschmidia, and some Guettarda,


Pluchea, Dodonea, Leucaena, Cordia, Pisonia, Morinda, and
Hernandia making up the interior vegetation.

Thick growth of

Clierodendrum are found in the southern portion of the island.
Ground cover consists principally of Fimbristylis,


Ipomoa, Boerhaavia, and Portuluca.

The nuclear blasts have destroyed the former coconut groves
and only a few subsistence crops, mainly pandanus and few arrowroot, Tacca leontopetaloides,

are found growing among the wild

The few coconuts found in the interior of the island

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