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Investigations of fertilization (both macro and micro-

nutrients), cover crops (legumes----Vigna, Canavalia; other
atoll vegetation----Wedelia, Ipomoa), intercropping with banana
and papaya,

effects of grove maintenance,


are needed.

Physiological investigations of foliar analysis to determine
an index for fertilizer requirements in coconut groves affords
a project of real benefits.

Also the adoption of chemical

weedicides in the maintenance of groves,

which at present are

laboriously brushed by manual labor, may well add much to the
proper maintenance of groves.

Studies in the culture of other

tropical crops, which in many respects have only been slightly

should also be included in the program.

No doubt, a research program of such a scope would require

considerable financing and it is hardly likely that the Trust
Territory Government would be able to direct such amounts
toward an intensive research program.

As suggested by Dr.

Edward E. Held, Officer in Charge of the 1967 Bikini
Radiological Resurvey, a cooperative type of research program
between the Trust Territory and other research institutions,
such as the East-West Center,

the University of Hawail, or

other agencies capable of funding and providing the technical
resources required in such a program may be initiated to derive
mutual benefits.

The possibility of grants from organizations,

such as AEC, the Pacific Science Board of the National Research

the National Science Foundation,

Office of Naval

Research, etc., should be earnestly looked into.

Vital to the

Select target paragraph3