


Initial Planning

The successful repatriation of the displaced Pikinians
from Kili Island to their former atoll should be soundly

grounded in a well-planned program to consider all facets for
the well-being and safety of the people should Bikini be
declared safe for permanent habitation.

Initially, master-

planning of the return of these people is paramount.
master plan should,

with the inclusion of planning for village

community facilities,

sistence crop sites,


roadways, coconut groves and sub-

delineate the method and resources for

complete rehabilitation of the atoll.

The planning should

include the voice of the Bikini leaders to lend suggestions and
ideas for final approvai and clarification.
Since some changes have occurred in the topography and

vegetation of the islands, boundaries of wetos (landholdings)
must be clearly redefined to the satisfaction of all the people


Cadestrals, cocor.ut palms, tirose (Pseuderanthemum)

which are frequently used to mark boundaries, have been completely obliterated by the nuclear explosions and these must be

re-installed before any sort of rehabilitation can begin.
While it is too soon to say when the atoll will become
safe for human habitation,

steps should be taken to reclaim the

lands that are now subjected to growth of wild

vegetation and

replant them with agricultural crops in order that the returning
people will be able to subsist and earn a livelinood from the

Select target paragraph3