Attitude of People.

During the 1968 survey the Ronge lap and Utirik people

were most friendly and cooperative.
reruse an examination.

It is a rarity for an individual to

Since they have received their monetary compensation

the people appear to be eating more imported foods and also some are buying
kerosine refrigerators, motor boats and pickup trucks.

the people enjoyed the movies.

During the survey

The luau, that was prepared jointly with the

Rongulapese, was wall attended and enjoyed by all.

The 196$ Survey.

It is planned that the next annual survey at 15 years

postexposure will probably be a full scale survey with complete examinations

to include the control population.

The thyroid examinations will naturally

be an important part of the study including an evaluation of the response to
the thyroid treatment.

These effects of fallout exposure in the Rongelap

people have created a great deal of interest among medical circles and the

further course of these developments is of great importance.




Ce Lech LI) Con eee
Robert A. Conard, M.D.

‘Brookhaven National Laboratory

April 1968

Select target paragraph3