a weekly dose of 7 thyroid tablets will be taken once a week in the presence
of a responsible individual who will use a check-off list.

The Director

of Public Health, Marshalls has agreed to see that the treatment schedule
is enforced.

Ample medication for the coming year was left on each of

the islands with responsible individuals.
Based on preliminary evidence, some of the children who have
been taking their medication appear to be responding favorably by showing
an improvement in growth and development.

In particular the 2 boys who

were most dwarfed have shown a definite spurt in growth in the past year.
A thyroid survey of some 1060 unexposed Rongelap people and about

90 Utirik people was carried out this year.
included careful neck examinations

This house to house survey

No evidence of any unusual thyroid

abnormalities were detected in these people.
Status of Body Burden of Radioisotopes in the Rongalapese.

It was

encouraging that radiochemical urine analyses during the past year of

the people living at Rongelap revealed that the body burdens of the
2 major isotopes 905, and 13765 are apparently diminishing.


of urine from the present survey will not be available until later.


encouraging is that the level of these isotopes in the coconut crab is
apparently reducing.

Since this is a delicacy among the people it is

hoped that before long permission can be given for them to eat the crabs.
The more precise measurement of some of these isotopes by whole
body counting procedures has not been carried out in several years.
type of analysis may be repeated in the next few years.


If the Bikini

people should be moved back to their home island perhaps such an analysis



could be carried out on both peoples during the same survey.



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Select target paragraph3