can support productive groves of coconut and subsistence


There are three towers----a 300-foot steel tower at the
south point, another 100-foot tower with two large radar antennae

to the north, and a 75-foot wooden tower on the northern tip.
One large aluminum warehouse building is located on the southeast

edge toward the ocean;

other structures of wooden cornstruction

are scattered throughout

the island.

Two iarge piers are located

on the lagoon shore in the middie of the islana.
Nam Island

Nam Island is situated on the northwest corner of the atoll

and is the third largest island----approximately 3,600 feet long
and 3,000 feet wide.

The estimated 122 acres now host large

trees of Messerschmidia.

Large open areas within the inland are

covered by Fimbristylis grass and Ipomoa vines.

The soil is

relatively fertile as evidenced by the lush growth of the vegetation.

Many birds (noddies,


terns and turnstones) nest

among the shrubs and grasses to contribute much guano to the soil

On the southwest corner of the island, where

much erosion has occurred,

due to wave action or probably from

a nuclear explosion that was detonated on a nearby island,


organic matter content in the soil profile runs as much as 18
Department of Energy
inches in depth.
Historian’s Office
Two large damaged concrete bunkers are located


on that

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