Other short-term crops such as banana, papaya, arrowroot, taro,
Bweet potato and vegetables can be propagated later.

The islands suited to crop production are Bikini, Enyu,

Enidrik, Aerokoj and Aerokojkoj.


The total acreage, less |

areas for village sites and community facilities, is 950 acres.
The other islands not capable of supporting any agricultural
crops are to be considered as wild-life sanctuaries----namely,



Bokaetokan and Bokdrolul.

These islands

as refuge for seabirds, turtles (Chelonia mydas), and coconut

crabs (Birgus latro), will insure the perpetuation of these
species for continuous utilization by the islanders.
Reclamation of the islands should start with brushing of
@ll wild growth with the exception of the strand vegetation to
provide windbreaks on both the ocean and lagoon shores.

It is

advisable that rehabilitation work begin on Enyu Island,


the existing airfield may be used by aircraft to support the
work crews in the initial stages.
can be used as housing

this island.


The existing buildings which

also make it favorable for s
Department of Enertye

Historian’s Office

All brush should be retained for later use as compost in

planting hills of the coconut seedlings since no other compost
materials are available on the islands.
including heavy brusn and trunks,

None of the brush,

should be burned or destroyed.

The use of bulldozers and other heavy equipment will expedite
clearing of the thick vegetation, for without their use clearing
by manual labor will be much too slow and costly.


Select target paragraph3