noted; wi81. 165 Contributed the ™@&)Or portion of the radio-~-

activity in gogevola leaves from Kusaie and in Messerschmidia
and scaevola leaves from Ujelang (Lowman et aj. 1959), and
2n°> was predominant


fish tissues

Co?’ was present ugual:y in

from Ponape anu Utirik.

jeseer amounts,

and co38 and Co°?

were found enly in a sample cf clam kidney from Ujelang and a

fish liver sample from CUtirix.

other radioisotopes were

present only in a few samples.


an plants

from Kapinodamarargi an.

few samples

from Kusa:2,

fish sir. and gut

for exampl», was found


Cel4i, 144_5,144

Pr nupe and Uj:lang,

and mn? t

|, -


from Ponape and clam kidney from U;elang.

Pp: 34 wos detected once


in ¢

caaple of sk -p:ack muscle

f: 4m Ponape.
The quantitative results of the gamma spectrum analyses

shown 1n Table 3 are Lased or. analyses made approximeteiy
eighteen months after the samples werc collected;
the shorter-lived radioisotopes 7599 =Kp?9


(nalf€ life 65 days),

co93 (71 days) Rut93-pnt43 (40 days) and cet4! (32 days) had
decayed to insignificant or non-detectadle

cram sample cf yellow-fin tuna from Ponape,

were found in low amounts



Ina 161l-

Zr ?>-Nb99

(0.12 puc/g at tame of counting):

at time of collection the level of 7r95=Nb95 would have been
40 wyce/g.

K40 was present im all samples analyzed.

In some

Select target paragraph3