In the past report on medical aspects, the Committee deferred
conclusions regarding certain information until it had received furher
further material from D¥. Conard.

Below are listed the page numbers

on which the questionable areas appeared in the past report and the
Committee's determination.
p. 105.

It was noted that no germ cell studies had been made on the

affected Rongelapese,

Dr. Conard's reply calls attention to the fact

that such studies involve certain steps which might prove personally
objectionable to Marshallese custom,
p. 116.

Over 100 questions were submitted to Dr. Conard and comprehensive |

answers were supplied to the Committee.
p. 145.

The passage about medical treatment of the Rongelapese has

been satisfactorily answered.
p. 147

This part of the report dealt with what appears to be an instance

of the people being used as “guinea pigs" in an immonoligical response
to tetanus toxoid.

Dr. Conard has responded that this was due to an


immunization program which was being carried out for all people of the
Marshalls at that time.

p.- 148.

Here it is indicated that during an operation for removal of

a thyroid, a parathyroid was accidentally removed.

Select target paragraph3