Territory, the Congress, and the people of Rongelap and Utirik.


Committee believes that in the future there will be less problems and
less misunderstanding between the people and Dr. Conard, the AEC, and

the Trust Territory.

The Committee also wishes to point out something.

We have recommended to Dr. Conard, because of the death of
that the people receive a special examination for their blood six months
after the annual survey,
The Commit tee has made other recommendations which will mean that the
people will see a doctor come to their island more often.

The people

of Rongelap and Utirik must realize that this work is being carried out
for their benefit.

However ,

problems which comes from this extra

attention are: 1) the people are bothered more often from these
examinations and visits, in other words, their normal way of life will
become more and more upset, and 2) because of the extra attention, the
people may worry more about getting sick.

However, the Committee teels

that the people should not complain about the extra attention ana the
disruption because they have asked for more attention and this attention
will help them keep healthy.

Furthermore they should not worry more

about gettingsick, but should worry less, because they are receiving
more attention.

This same problem will also be discussed in the Committee's

next report on compensation.
In summary, the Committee is generally pleased that the recommendations-many of them which have come from the people themselves--have been
followed through and have been done.

We hope that this work of the

Committee will help the people of Rongelap and Utirik feel better
about their future in the years to come.


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