
We recommended that our committee write a summary of our report

and that it be printed in the Marshallese language.
This has been done and that is what you are readingnow.


We recoamended that this Committee continue to go with Dr. Conard

on the annual examinations to see that our recommendations are followed.
Also, we recommended that the Nitijela send along representatives.
The Committee has gone on two surveys
year (1974).

and will go on the one this

We have written to the Nitijela asking that they also

send someone, however, this may be difficult because the Nitijela
meets at the same time as the survey.


The Committee recomended that its life be extended by the Congress

until 1975.
This has been done.

The Committee wil exist until March 31,


The people of Rongelap and Utirik

We recommended that the people of Rongelap and Utirik form Fallout

Survivors Councils.

This a common practice in Japan.

The Committee felt

that such groups like these might be better able to express their
concerns or work for corrections or changes from the District Government,
theTrust Territory, the AEC,

and Dr. Conard, by forming such srourf

The people of Rongelap have done this and the Committee is very happy
about it.

They have already sent letters with questions to Dr. Conard,

and he has answered the questions.

However, the people of Utirik have

not done this yet.

Other Recommendations and Actions Which Have Taken Place Since the

Report was written

The Committee recommended that the AEC send a representative along


Select target paragraph3