
{even the Magistrate has been expelled from the Church for smoking).
pastor end


one of the deacons are on the Council, but these roles seemed

to be completely separate.
Where did I go wrong in my 1957 prediction?

then to alter the expected course of eveats?

Or whet has happened since

One obvious possibility is that .

i failed to assess the s::sation correctly in 1957.

You will have to take ay



word for it that the old authority system was act then as effective as it is

However, let's see what the general situation of Kilians was in 1957

and again in 1963, and see if there is any explanation in the differences.

In 1957 the Trust Territcry’s community development project on Kilt vas
coming to a close after three profitable years in material tuprovenent of the

The project manager, @ crained Marshallese, was stili on the island.

Kilians had two-way radio communication with district headquerters, and’‘a‘mal
ship was assigned specifically to servicing the island's trade needs. ‘mock
of these services were part of the development program.

Plantings of taro,

breadfruit, pandanus, and bananas were coming into production, and the
Council store was in good shape.

had just begun.



The interest payment from the trust fund


The new .and alabse were flexing their muscles in their new-

win Be

found independence, and the non-traditioaai elite, especially the schoolteacher
and health aid, had outside suppert from the frust Texritory.

The first


& .

graduates of the local elementary school were gaining further education at
district headquarters.

i judged thea that this displaced community was no worse ”

off than any other Marshallese population.
Now we come to 1963.

On the more favorable side, returned students have |

contributed to a more sophisticated way of island living.

The local plantings .

are in good production and offset to some extent the present shortage of“amported

The really bright light is the regular interest payment which is.now the

Select target paragraph3