
should be described,
[t should he rememberod that our Intorest
is on the yearly average Lacluding pariads of eating and slooping as well a8 time spent on the water,
The AMAD of 0.5 pm
seems small, particularly when the main source appears to be
mechanical disturbance,


P. 12, Lines 19+20,

The statement that 20% of that on the

filter is usually regarded as raspirable raises the quostion

of how thig was included in the calculations,

The definition

of the AMAD of 0.5 ttm implies Fractions deposited and,
fore, the "respirable" Fraction.



19, par. 2.


Tt should be noted that such a program is

iu progross at Battelle and that numbers From their studies

are not as extreme as those picked from reviews or articles
for another purpose (i.e, Larsen).
It would be well to draw
such conclusions from the published experiments rather than
from an interpretation.

Select target paragraph3