Because of the difference in the amount and kind of food eaten,
the dose to some individuals in the population may be two
times that shown in the table above.
The Federal standard

for dose to individuals in the population is 500 mRem/Yr.
Calculated 30-Year Dose


People live 100% of the time on Eneu Island.
With Food

Whole Body


Without Food

2,700 mRem


4,700 mRem

People live 80% of the time on Eneu Island
and visit Bikini Island 20% of the time,
but assumes no food from Bikini
With Food Imports

Whole Body

Island is eaten.

Without Food Imports

3,700 mRem

If people who recently

on Eneu,


5,700 mRem

lived on Bikini

Island return to live

the 30-year dose should be increased by 1,000 mRem.

The doses calculated above exceed the provisions in the Federal
standard for the 30-year dose of 5,000 mRem depending upon the
amount and kind of local or imported foods that are eaten and

whether people

live all the

time on Eneu or

spent time


where in the Atoll.
Because of differences in the kinds and
amounts of food eaten, some individuals would be expected to
exceed the annual whole body and bone marrow standards for
individuals of 500 mRem/Yr.
The question has been raised how the levels of external radiation
and radioactivity in foods on Eneu Island are changing with
The radioactivity of the two radioelements, Cesium-137
and Strontium-90, that contribute principally to whole body and
bone marrow exposures



50% in 30 years,

crease again by 50% in another 30 years,


and will de-

Enclosures 2 and 3 present estimates of the maximum annual whole
body and bone marrow doses if, starting with 1979 as the zero

time, the return to live on Eneu Island is delayed.
Iinclosure 3
indicates that if return to Eneu Island is delayed for about



Select target paragraph3