

Dr. G. Drexler
June 22, 1979

Page Three





lost all trust in U.S.


expressedthese._ylews on behalf_of the pe ople of

Bikini last monthin remarks to the-‘United Nations Trusteéship

(see attachment atpages i0-11), and I YFéqnestredathat
an international committee of scientists,

having no connection

with orintérest in the U.S. government or the U.S. nuclear

testing program, independently. review. and assess the results

and conclusionsof the northern Marshall Islands’‘Tadiélogical
survey, “specifically as “they apply to the safety of Bikini

and Eneu Islands in Bikini Atoll.


Last week,

I made the same,

“theU.S.government, suggesting that the United_

States fund anindependent assessment of the survey by a_comindependentassessment: scientists_or. perhaps fund several
assessments by individual non--United_States
1 ndependen
Given the importance of this survey to the future

of the Bikinians,

the past mistakes of U.S.

scientists in

measuring and/or assessing the safety of Bikini, and the

uncertainties concerning the long-term effect of low levels
of radiation, I believe that it is in the interests of all

parties to seek independent assessment of the survey.


though I have not yet received a formal reply from the United
States government,

I am hopeful that it will respond favorably

to the Bikinians' request.

In the event thatthe United States does agree to

fund an independent review
ofthe northernMarshall[slands

radiological survey, would you be interested in participating
in this review?
Some of the broad questions the Bikinians
seek to have answered are the following:
-Was the proper methodology used in the
northern Marshalls survey?

Did the survey employ the best available


Are the data collected

technological techniques and equipment?


and reliable?

from the survey accurate


Are the conclusions, predictions and risk
assessments concerning the future safety of Bikini and Eneu
Islands valid? An analysis of this issue would, of course,
necessitate a review of both the survey and the April, 1978
medical examinations.


Select target paragraph3