


quantification of the differences in the physiological f

parameters of resorption, slow exchange, and bone turn-:;
over as measured by Ca andSr.





feedback is not significant in the first 10 days, but must
occur in the period 10-30 days. It would appear that the


fel {o(n))? + op”

function describing this feedback is not a simple ex-


ponential function, but is related to the complex nature of

compartment 3 itself. It would be most desirable to




» (fF — (ny)?









improve the model with this additional feedback loop

simulating resorption in order to fit not only the 30-day
data but also the longer term Sr data, as well as it now

fits the 10-day data.
The present study demonstrates that while the

absolute values of the parameters obtained with Sr do
differ from those obtained with Ca, the differences are

small and the Sr-derived values do reflect Ca metabolism
quite well in terms of the model derived from the 10-day


Y/N —1t

¢, ™ standard deviation of individual values {as determined by
a, = standard deviation of population
oa, = standard error of sample mean

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Definition of statistical terms in Table 2.

Oy Tt

modes of binding and resorption of the two elements by
To characterize the resorption or feedback differences
between Sr and Ca, it is necessary to employ the model
in analyzing the long-term (30-day) data. Unfortunately,
atteinpts to fit the 30-day data for both Ca and Sr to
the assumed two-compartment model have been unsuccessful to date. This lack of fit is probably due to the
omission of a feedback from compartments 3 to 1 (p13 =
0) to simulate bone resorption or slow exchange. This


data, With the inclusion of the longer term data, it:
should be possible to improve the model and permit the;.

OR LoSPE eSee me

osseous pools.~ Nevertheless, the higher retention of Sr
from 18 to 30 days indicates a slower turnoverrate of Sr
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