of the tracer excreted into the gastrointestinal tract and to
an error in the timing of the systematic collection of the
stools. The data are insufficient to quantify this feedback
from the gastrointestinal tractand it could not be included

XSH64 Bs J


in the present model. The known gastrointestinal dis-


the various processes independent of any model for Sr



wae Lded


















Fic. 4. Strontium/calciumratio in whole body and knee (mean
of seven subjects). The plotted values are expressed as the mean
ratio of the percent of the administered doses of Sr over Ca in
each individual subject.

values are poorly defined and the standard deviations
are relatively large compared to the values of the other


The parameter values derived from the Sr data for
each subject except for excretion are, with few exceptions,
lower than those derived from the Ca data and the
correlation is very high. The Sr values are lower than the

Ca values by about the same percent as thestatistical

uncertainty in the individual measurements (¢,). It is
clear, therefore, that with less precise methods of analysis, the differences between the Sr and the Ca values are
not readily discernible. For example, in a double tracer
study on rats, Bauer and Carlsson (1) found that the
accretion rate (A) and the exchange capacity (E) obtained with Ca and with Sr were notsignificantly different.. By the use of Bauer’s analytical procedure, no

significant differences could be found in the A and E

values of six patients studied with Sr® and Ca‘’, although an analogue computersolution of these data did
suggest a smaller exchangeable pool for Sr as compared
with Ca (8).
It is apparent that the spread in values for each parameter among the group is large. Statistical analysis of

the grouped data indicated the absence of a significant
difference between the means of the Ca and the Sr parameter values. Since the present study was limited to
elderly males, a greater variability probably appears in
the present results than would be expected in a younger
group. The importance of extending these studies to a

younger and more homogeneous population is manifest

Ca. The authors concluded that Sr, as a tracer for Ca,

gives only approximate values, since Sr is expressed in
terms of an apparentcirculating plasma volume and not
in units of mass as in the case of the Ca tracer. Since the

present calculated values are based on the absolute con-

centration of Ca in compartment 1, to obtain the
absolute Sr concentrations, a different proportionality
constant would be required to determine the absolute
levels of Sr based on the concentration of stable Sr in
plasma. However, since it has not been demonstrated

that the amount of stable Sr in plasma or boneis con-

stant, it is more advantageous to continue to express Sr

in terms of Ca because of the constancy of the Ca.
It is obvious that long-term retention data are required
to determine differences in turnover and resorption of
Sr and Ca. Unfortunately, because of the short half-life
of Ca‘’, this comparative study could only be carried
out with sufficient accuracy for 30 days. Examination of
the values for the Sr/Ca ratio for the whole-body retention obtained by whole-body counting over the 30-day
period reveals the same patterns and absolute levels as
previously noted (8). There is a rapid fall in the level of
the ratio until an asymptote is reached at approximately
18 days and continuing to 30 days. The same pattern

of Sr/Ca levels with time was found for the knee data

except that the ratio leveled off at a higher value than
for the whole-body retention data. This higher level may
reflect the higher proportion of bone with its slower
turnoverof Cain the knee field as compared to the wholebody detector’s field, which includes a larger nonosseous


Since the Sr/Ca ratio does not continue to decrease

progressively with time as a function of the differential
renal discrimination, the turnover of Sr and Ca by bone
must differ. The constancy of the Sr/Ca ratio after 18

days, assuming a constant renal discrimination against

not only to establish more accuratelythe fine differences
in the skeletal dynamics of Sr and Ca, but also to obtain
data on this age group.
The mean urinary excretion rate of Sr®* was approximately 3.7 times higher than that of the Ca‘, which is
consistent with the known renal discrimination against

Sr, indicates that Sr must be returning to compartment1
from bone less rapidly than Ca. Preceding this, in the

tion of Sr®> was about 20 percent higher than that of

after 18 days due to the preferential retention of ‘‘bonefixed”? Sr is complicated by the differences in excretion
of Sr and Ca and the presenceof different sizes of non-

Ca compared with Sr. The mean endogenousfecal excre-

Ca‘?. The small systematic error in the fit of thefecal
data (see Fig. 3) is probably dueto the recycling of some

ile eel mee ape



metabolism. Only the fecal excretion constant and the
bone rate constant were found to be the same for Sr and

period from 6 to 14 days, a similar leveling of the Sr/Ca

ratio in urine observed in several patients (most notice-

able in an osteoporotic patient) by Heaney (11) was

interpreted to indicate preferential release of Sr from

bone to plasma. The Sr enrichment of compartment 3

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crimination factor of two between Sr and Cain this
recycling may also account for some of the differences in
the values between the Ca and the Sr data.
In a study of the comparative kinetics of Sr and Ca in
man, Bronneretal. (5) measured the rate constants of

Select target paragraph3