While the patient was working on the deck he placed one towel on his head,
another tcwel around his neck.

He was wearing 4 rubber overcoat, a sleeveless

undershirt, a cotton fundoshi, cotton urcerpants, cotton gloves, and long rubber
boots tc the lmees,

He was not wearing socks,

vide (3.0cm) rubber cands,


Around both wrists he had


His entire body was soaked with sea water and

He states his body was covered by the felling ash and/adhered because

of the dampness,

The ash parvicles were pencil point in size and rather uniform.

Due to irritation his eyes began to smart, then tear, and finally there was

He, therefore, covered as much of his face as possitle with another towel,
The lines were finally brought in at about 10 a.m.

cown with sea water,
and "monogen",

The decks were washed

The patient then washed his head and face with ssa water

Then he went to his bunk, took off his clothes, except for the

wrist bends, and slept until 4 pem.e

Upon awakening he felt well and was hungry;

however, there was a heavy yellow secretion draining from his eyes and his
hands were swollen and painful to the exclusion of clenching his fists,
Cn the mornin of March 2 he wes only able to oven his eyes by pulling the
lids apart with his fingers es the lids were sattec by the yellow discharge,

This ratting continued until Larch 14 when the vessel arrived at the port of
On iarch 3 during the return trip cther merbers of the crew rerarxed ona

- Dizrentetion of a cuddy brown color appearing on the patient's face.

At the

same tice this senx discoloration kecare apparent under the urist bends,


Tiarch 4& his scalp becan to itch; upon scratching vesicles zrpeared over the
occizital snd lft te*poral regions, which were tancer to teuch,
the scalp began to epilate iitn little tension.

Ths hairs of

Oy March 10 thera was cefinite

svcentansous epilation thoush clisht,


Select target paragraph3